Some useful SEO / Marketing resources

At work I find myself trying to find more and more information about SEO and online Marketing. I don’t consider myself to be awesome at SEO, so instead of preaching I’ll direct you to those who can / do ๐Ÿ˜‰ There are many websites that aid me in the daily task of this, most of which that I’ve found by using Google Reader.

First off, Google Reader is one of the most useful tools I use in a day, instead of looking around on the various sites (some which may not have updates), I just subscribe to the various news feeds via Google Reader and every time there’s a new post, It picks up on this and give me a title and a short description of the new news story. If i deem the story interesting, i click the link and there I am…onto the page – awaiting the information overload!

Why search through loads of different sites when you can just get given the latest news from the ones you pick? You’d be silly not to.

So, what you should do is to sign up to Google Reader and subscribe to a few of the following sites: (In no paticular order

If you have anything to add, go ahead and reply in the comments! I look forward to hearing from people.





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