So, I joined twitter around Christmas after hearing bits about it for the past year or so. Basicly its a blogging tool, but the letter limit is 140 charecters long, so its really a ‘microblogging’ tool. You can imagine it as the Facebook ‘status’ text, but alot cooler ๐
Basicly, you sign up and then enter your mobile phone number (if you want sms updates), then your ready to tweet to your hearts content! Its a very simple concept, but the best thing about twitter is that you don’t have to make a huge blogpost, you get straight to the point and its very quickly ‘out there’ to those who are following you, this means that theres alot of potential for information thats flying about.
You can do the following things with twitter:
- You can follow other people and receive their ‘tweets’
- People can follow you and receive your ‘tweets’
- Receive SMS updates – Though this service doesn’t seem to be available for UK phone numbers ๐
- Reply to other ‘tweets’ and give your opinions
- Search the tweets for a certain bit of text
Because of twitters simple API, there are alot of different ways to use twitter – whether thats tweeting or just reading other tweets. You can do the following to use twitter:
- Access from your PC
- Access from your mobile phone
- Apps for your Iphone
- Google Gadgets
- Twhirl – A Desktop application
- Spaz – Another Desktop application
- A Widget for your Opera Browser
- WidSets for your mobile phone
- TweetDeck – An Adobe Air application
Twitter is becoming more popular day by day, so why not sign up and see what all the fuss is about!
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